Broken Glass
My husband, Garland, has a glass splinter in the palm of his hand.
He got it on a job site last Saturday when he had to break an interior window in order to remove it. For two days we have attempted to get the last little bit out, to no avail. Part of what makes it so difficult is not really being able to see it. It is a very small piece, and his body's defense against this foreign object is making it even more difficult to remove. The natural protection process is actually impeding the glass' removal. But we know it's there-it's obvious on the outside.
This has gotten me thinking about the broken glass inside of me. You know, the things that are in me that really don't belong there. Things like resentment, bitterness, pride, wounding...all invisible, but painfully evident to those on the outside that I come in contact with. Like Garland's defense system, I too want to protect myself and thereby make the removal of these things even more difficult.
I think there are several things God needs to take His tweezers to and remove from inside me. Eventhough the process is painful, it will be worth it in the end.
This incredible "connection" has brought tears to my eyes, Shari. We all have those "inside" splinters!
I just read the other day (re: outside splinters) that if you put Elmer's glue on it and let it dry, the splinter will come right out when you peel off the glue. Don't know if that's only with wood splinters but it might be worth a try? That's gotta be really aggravating for Garland. I hope he gets relief SOON.
It takes constant inventory to keep our insides clean.
Hope Garland's hand is back to normal soon, sans splinter!
Ouch on Chickey's part! I hope he gits the splinter out of his hand- and fix my scooter asap! lol
Laura, do you mean the scooter that Chickey keeps fixing over and over?! )
Nice post. Thanks.
Hi, Sweetie,
Who is Mrs. M.? Just curious to know if I know her.
I'm praying that Garland's hand is now sans splinter.....hopefully, no infection to deal with.
My heart is touched with this blog....all your reflecting is very humbling as I read it. The removal and cleansing surely is daily when our heart is in the right place -- none of us is exempt from the heart/mind splinters. Thank you for your vulnerability -- I love you so very much. Mom.
Quick update: the glass is still embedded--we're expecting it to continue to work its way up and out!
Mom: "Mrs. M." is from myspace--for the RHS kids. I'm Mrs. M. and Betty is "The Mullett"!
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