Monday, June 12, 2006

Ireland or Scotland?

Since our return, we have been asked several times how we liked Ireland and Scotland. These are my thoughts about each country:

Ireland is filled with green, rolling countryside. The rural flow is even more charming because of the stone sheep fences dating back to the 1200's. They were built without mortar, and is a lost craft attempting to revive.

We only experienced the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland. That part was limited to driving through on our way to catch the ferry to Scotland.

In both countries, there were sheep EVERYWHERE!!! I absolutely loved them...little white dots filling the fields, babies jumping after their mommas. I wanted to bring a pair home and have them in my yard, too!

Our first impression of Scotland was breathtaking. In a 100 minute ferry ride the landscape changed dramatically. As we traveled up the west coast to Glasgow and then over to Edinburgh, the steeper hills were on our right with the sea on our left. Without hesitation, my favorite city visited was Scotland's capital, Edinburgh, and our day of hiking in Glencoe was unmatched.

If pressed, I would say I enjoyed Scotland more than Ireland. I remember my uncle telling me once that Edinburgh was his favorite city, and I understand why. For me, it is unparalled along with NYC and Chicago.

I highly recommend a visit.

...and don't forget to click on the pictures for a better view--you might see some more sheep!


Blogger Ruth said...

When we visited Scotland (I was pregnant with Lesley) we rented a car and drove through the Highlands (constantly shifting the window crank) where the sheep wander at will across the two-track roads. You gotta watch out. We called them "the brethen" for some un-recalled reason. I'll never forget one ewe hung up and stuck in the fence, chewing away on whatever greenery was in her reach. They aren't the smartest animals!

1:56 PM  
Blogger Ginnie Hart said...

Ruth, I'm laughing out loud! Too many similar memories.

These are WONderful photos, Shari. I'm off to bed right now and will look at your other posts later but, for now, your travelog is absolutely great! It would be very hard to decide between Ireland and Scotland but I'll have to say that the sheep in both places just mesmerized me! I wanted to go camp out with them to photograph every aspect of them :)

5:08 PM  
Blogger Mrs. M. said...

I agree they are the brethren...and is it any wonder we are compared to them by Christ?!!

There were many times we would yell from the top of the bus "look out" to one about to be hit (but never, thanks to Martin!)

I know what you mean about wanting to sleep with them and photo them...I brought a yarn replicate keychain home with me and a coffee mug entitled "winter woolies" with sheep dressed in mittens, scarves, hats and boots :)

It's my new Jan-March mug!

5:21 PM  

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