Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Friday Night Lights and Traditions

I am the only person in my family to graduate from another high school other than Riverview. My husband is the class of 74, and daughters to be '07, '08, '11. This past Friday evening we all went to the Homecoming game (winners 21-0), and it was filled with long-standing, unique traditions.

Sarasota is a large Scottish community. The band is known for their authentic dress MacDonald tartan kilts (the only one of it's kind outside Scotland). Here is Ryan McCarville, the Drum Major and one of Katy's best friends. Instead of a pom pon squad, we have Highland Dancers. The principal dancer each year dances on top of a drum! Go Erin!

I love the fact that my daughters have a high school experience so steeped in these traditions!

This may be the only year all three girls will be at a home game together...

....unless the Homecoming Game becomes a new tradition for our family!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Oh How The Days Go By

It seems like a moment ago I had time to write, and yet the date says differently....

Since Katy's birthday, my life has shifted from 4th to 5th gear. Even now, I know there isn't the time to write about the changes in our lives the way I want to.

For example,
Emma has moved back to Sarasota to finish h.s. at RHS
Katy has almost decided on a 1st choice college (in Holland, MI)
Laura has been home part of this week sick
Homecoming Weekend is NOW
(dresses, dances, football games, hosting pre-dinner parties for Seniors)
Preparing for the Holiday Season
Finishing Renaissance Feast preparations

All these topics warrant their own "blogs", and yet keep me so busy there isn't adequate time!!

Feel free to comment regarding any of the above! :)

btw, for those of you up north, we had 2 days without air conditioning this week, but it went back on this morning! (and anyone who truly knows me understands this isn't good news!! FALL, PLEASE ARRIVE PERMANENTLY!!!)

And with that, I leave you this picture from NYC's Farmer's Market on our recent trip...(my only taste of Authentic Autumn)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Coming Of Age: a.k.a. KATY IS 18!

According to Wikipedia...

"Coming of age
is a young person's formal transition from adolescence to adulthood. The age at which this transition takes places varies in society, as does the nature of the transition. It can be a simple legal convention or can be part of a ritualistic cycle, similar to those once practiced by many societies. In the past, and in some societies today, such a change is associated with the age of sexual maturity (mid-adolescence) while modern legal conventions are more commonly a point in late adolescence or early adulthood (most commonly 18 and 21). In either case, many cultures retain ceremonies to confirm the coming of age, and significant benefits come with the change. (See also rite of passage.)

The term coming of age is also used in reference to different media such as stories, movies, etc. that have a young character or characters who, by the end of the story, have developed in some way, through the undertaking of responsibility, or by learning a lesson."

We are not at the end of Katy's story, but as I have watched her grow and develop over these past years, I like the description at the end of Wikipedia's reference the most. Most people can live 18 years, however it is Katy's willingness to embrace more responsibility and continue to learn the lessons of life that describe her best. She is by no means there (as are any of us!), but she is certainly progressing down the path.

Complete wishes for a very HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY, KATHARINE! We love you!