Quality Time
I have wondered for a few months if I'm in a midnight-dawn period of my life. Finishing up one day, but not quite the next. Just kind of waiting for the sun to come up and begin a new day. The process of preparing for "empty nest" over the next 5 years has begun for me as a mother. For my friends and family who know me well, I show my love and most definitely experience love by spending time together. I'm trying to sort it all out. That is one reason why being so far away from extended family has been painful these 14 years of living in Sarasota, although technology has certainly helped close the distance!
My daughter and I have just returned from time in IL and MI. Northwestern University, University of Chicago, and Hope College have all grabbed Katy's attention. As a junior in high school, she is quite focused on the next chapter. I have looked forward to a college trip over spring break with each of my three daughters since they were little, and now the experience has happened for me and my oldest! The process of selection is certainly underway, but by no means complete! Let's just say, all 3 are still viable options. Of course, the U of FL is in the mix, too. It is exciting to anticipate the next 12 months!
The past five days have been filled with great memories and times of nourishment. Having moments with family has been what my tired soul has needed. I almost didn't realize how much until my husband told me last night how refreshed I looked.
It's wonderful to be home with Garland, and to fill up on more quality time--my cousin Nathan and his wife Nancy are visiting, and more family arrives tomorrow!
It feels like sunrise of a brand new day once again.
This is so very soulful, Shari. I know what you're feeling, of course, because I've been there on almost all levels. The distance away from family has never been totally "right" in the sense of the loss. I'm so glad you're blogging in this format now because at least it's easier for ME to keep up on you. A real JOY, in fact! Hopefully a step in the right direction :)
So glad you and Katy had a good traveling experience for college-shopping. Wonder what will be the final choice :) Miles to go before you all sleep! My best thoughts and wishes are with you all as you go through the wondering.
Loved this report! It was so nice to see you and Katy, even if for such a brief moment in time. So glad you're YOU! Love, Mom
I am so glad you got to take a break from your everyday life and take a trip with Katy. I am so glad you were refreshed. I love you and alwyas will,
I think this may be late, but I am just now tuning in to your Blog! I just love the pictures! Everyday's a new sunrise!
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