Wednesday, August 16, 2006

These are the ties that bind

Sociology 101: I can't stand living so far from my extended family. This morning I was talking with Garland about why it's become so difficult now, after 14+ years living in Sarasota. He suggested the possibility exists because of the significant events happening in the girls' lives...and there is no family closeby to share in these times. In return, we're also missing out on opportunities to share in births, rites of passage, showers, gatherings up north. We live just too far away to be at most things or to expect people to come down and see us. The picture on the right was taken at my high school graduation in 1984. Aunts, uncles, cousins all part of the celebration.

This past weekend my mother's family had a gathering on the farm of one of my aunts. While all of their siblings were able to attend, many of my cousins found themselves in the same boat as me. Our generation is spread out from Alaska to Australia and many spots inbetween. They say the world wide web has made our world smaller, and for communication it has, but it can't replace hugs, porch talks, barbecues... life in the community of family. If you happen to have that blessing, savor it. They are the moments that truly matter.


Blogger Ruth said...

Oh, Mrs. M., it's so hard! We thought so much about all of you who live away. And then it was SO hard to say good-bye to Lesley again Sunday. Thanks for the poignant post.

10:56 AM  
Blogger Ginnie Hart said...

Yes, Shari. I agree with Ruth and all that you've said. I have actually agonized so many times over the same thing. It was so funny because Donica had already "purchased" airline tickets (FF miles) before we even discussed Farm Day! Now I don't want to miss it for anything from year to year. A totally different feel from being at the cottage! So strange....

12:23 PM  
Blogger Mrs. M. said...

I know you do understand from your years living so far from home. Even in this picture I see your absence with you all the way in CA (right? or were you in Turkey by then?) There are just some things you can't redeem. Days like this past weekend at your home, weddings, graduations, etc.! I don't know how Nelson and Peggy manage with David all the way in Australia!

1:36 PM  
Blogger Mrs. M. said...


You, too, understand distance! I appreciate how meaningful it must have been for you to have my mom, dad and me come out for Christmas/New Year's in Pasadena and the Rose Bowl. I can't imagine you had much company from family those years! That trip is actually among my earliest memories. I vividly remember sitting in the stands, with MI in the game and thinking how strange it was to go to a football game in the middle of winter. I have home movies of that trip (Dad passed them on to me) if you're ever interested! :)

1:40 PM  
Blogger Ruth said...

In 1984 we were still in Pasadena.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Ginnie Hart said...

I would LOVE to see that home movie, Shari, someday. Wow. You have a good memory--better than mine, I'm afraid. So glad it included a Michigan football game :)

9:18 AM  

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