Reflection For a Day of Passion
O Crux
O Cross, more radiant than the stars,
Celebrated throughout the earth,
Beloved of the people.
Holier than all things
Which alone was found worthy
To bear the light of the world:
Blessed Tree, Blessed Nails
Blest the weight you bore:
Save the flock which today is gathered to praise you.
-Knut Nystedt
For more Passion Day thoughts, consider these from my family:
Aunt Ginnie
Cousin Nathan
Happy Good Friday! I love you soooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at this text:
"Cause Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe.
Sin had left a crimson stain he washed it white as snow!"
Do you recognize it?????
I am amazed, and awed, at your selections. Each one I read speaks to me "outside the box." Thank you, sweetie. Mom
P.S. I loved reading Laura's comment just very appropriate to your blog. (and now, of course, that tune is ringing and ringing within my soul.....) Thank you, Laura! Grandma
Thanks, Shari, for this and for including me. (But Aunt Ginnie? That's exactly what I meant on that post when my family doesn't call me Boots--sounds so weird :)
G/Boots: That's funny! Reminds me of our time in NYC last summer with RHS Choir. We had dinner with Nathan and Nancy and 3 choir kids, Garland, Katy, Emma, and me. The family thought it was funny to hear me called Mrs. Munger and the choir kids had fun watching our family interact with each other. Almost parallel universes that aren't supposed to cross!!
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